Project Nisa: Help NSKF in Widows Support Program

The one who strives for widows and the poor is like the Mujahid in the way of Allah (swt), or one who stands in night prayers or fasts during the day.
The Responsibility:
The Islamic ruling is that after the husband, the responsibility of a woman’s assistance and maintenance falls on the son, father, and brother respectively. Failing that for whatever reason, the responsibility falls on the community around her and failing that the responsibility falls on the Muslim Ummah.
It is hard work for a widow or single mother anywhere in the world to financially support herself as well as raise her family. In Third World countries, where government handouts are rare, it becomes almost impossible. A divorced or bereaved woman is often left to her own devices in an environment where a woman is seen as inferior. Life is so hard that some women will be very lucky to get even a semi-decent job.
Therefore, Nasra Saleem Khan Foundation aims to alleviate their difficulties by providing financial aid with the help of your kind donations. Living costs vary from location to location. By sponsoring a widow and her children, you can ameliorate their difficulties by covering their basic needs.
Join our “Widows Support Program” today. Your sponsorship will help a widow and her family, by providing them with basic necessities so they are able to lead their daily lives without facing difficulty.
“Buying a utensil for even a Daaniq (one-sixth of a dirham) and giving it to my brother as a gift for the pleasure of Allah is more beloved to me than spending a Dinaar in the path of Allah.” Abu Nu’aym in Hilya 1:328